This week we welcomed our new caterpillars into our classroom! Our class has been making observations about the changes of spring. They have noticed the warmer weather when they do
MoreYounger Primes Blog – April 8, 2022
House Area, Block Area – House Area meets Block Area 🙂 Check it out !
MoreYAD 4/4-4/8
Hello families! This week we continued working on our auction projects in both classrooms. We also got to play in all types of weather this week. We experienced wind, rain,
MoreYAD Week of 3/28
Spring has sprung! We thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful weather over the past few weeks. Now that the children have all settled comfortably into our new classes, we have seen a
MoreYounger Primes Blog – March 18, 2022
Younger Primes have been learning about the sense of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. We started off the week by looking at a bit of a picture and then
MoreYPT March 14 & 15
This week in the Younger Part Times class we built large block creations for our dinosaurs. The children were able to talk to each other and make a plan so
MoreYounger Primes Blog – 3/11
We began our week by playing “store” at small group. Children were offered several items to buy. The first few items were tiny toy dogs, larger dogs and gemstones. These
MoreYAD 3/7-3/11
This week was full of energy! We all remember those few warm days last week and everyone is anxiously awaiting that warmer weather to arrive for good. We jumped off