Week One Parents and Toddlers!



Welcome to our classroom blog!  We will share lots of important info about our class as well as reminders and updates right here on the blog.

Week One was an exciting time.  The children settled in quickly and we enjoyed meeting them and you as well. These first few weeks we will continue to support separation and learning the routines at school; inside time, snack time, outside time, the goodbye song.  As well as building relationships between the teachers and the children and the children with each other.

In the parent class, we made our initial introductions, and got the Saying Goodbye handout.  We will continue to get to know each other and learn how to create purposeful connection with children as well as talk about TCS and it’s philosophy in the coming weeks.


Reminder:  Don’t forget to put the Carnival on your calendar!  Its a great time for families. Sept 30th 3-6pm