The children have been enjoying the last warm days of Summer. They are definitely noticing the changes in the outdoor world with the coming of Autumn. Younger Primes have been
MoreYPT October 24-26, 2018
Dear Families, What a busy week it has been in the YPT classroom! We began our Wednesday morning with an exciting, front row view of large trees being pruned by
MoreYPT October 17-19
Hello YPT Families, What gorgeous weather we have had this week for playing outside! The children have loved raking the leaves into piles and throwing them into the air. They
MoreOlder Primes 8/31/18
Hello Families! This first week of school has truly been magical. It has been inspiring and heart warming to watch this group of children begin to create relationships with each
MoreOlder Primes July 16- 19
Hello Summer Older Primes Families, We are looking forward to a great week. We have completed our class investigation of bugs like butterflies. Our class voted to investigate reptiles and