From the Director: Small Celebrations
By Sarah O’Dell
October is here and almost gone and we have been at school for 8 weeks already. We have had a carnival, a parent education event, parent’s night out, teacher in-service, and many days of settling in to new routines. We have all accomplished so much in such a short time! We have parent-teacher conferences in just a week or two and then it is full speed ahead in to winter holidays! As I spend time in classrooms it strikes me how much children have accomplished in this short time too. Learning names, letting new adults help you, speaking up in a group, creating something from blocks, negotiating for a chance to use one certain bike, trying to spell a word that is just the one you need, and taking on a new physical challenge on the play yard. These are significant things that children experience daily in our classrooms. All of these small celebrations add up to something significant. Growth! As children gain these accomplishments they are developing new skills and knowledge. They are developing friendships and abilities to be in many different kinds of social relationships. Children’s emotional health and confidence also increase as they develop a strong sense of self and competency. I know I am looking forward to what the next 8 weeks will bring.